Aviv - translation to γαλλικά
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Aviv - translation to γαλλικά

  • Karaites searching for Aviv barley at Ain Mabua, Judean Hills, Israel on 21 March 2019

Aviv (Hebrew), male first name
Aviva, female first name (Hebrew)
kindle a fire, light a fire, start a fire


·noun The first month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year, corresponding nearly to our April. After the Babylonish captivity this month was called Nisan.



Aviv (Hebrew: אביב) means "barley ripening", and by extension "spring season" in Hebrew. It is also used as a given name, surname, and place name, as in Tel Aviv. The first month of the year is called the month of Aviv in the Pentateuch. The month is called Nisan in the book of Esther, and in subsequent post-exilic history up to the present day. These names are sometimes used interchangeably, although Aviv refers to the three month season, and Nisan is called the "first month of Aviv."

Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για Aviv
1. Tel–Aviv, Serge Dumont Mardi 4 mars 2008 «Victoire.
2. Serge Dumont, Correspondant du «Temps» ŕ Tel–Aviv.
3. Netanyahu lors d‘une conférence de presse à Tel–Aviv.
4. Un missile susceptible d‘atteindre la périphérie nord de Tel–Aviv.
5. Un attentat–suicide a blessé 28 personnes ŕ Tel–Aviv.